(written on August 11) It’s hard to believe that today marks my two week adventure in Qatar. Jet lag has finally subsided and this week has been a fruitful one in many respects.
This week I continued to meet new colleagues and learn more about my role here within the Qatar Foundation. Qatari colleagues have been extremely patient in answering my ten thousand questions about life and culture here and I am learning a great deal. I have more details about my daily work but I think I will save that one for another day. Because today is my birthday and I have more pressing things to share…
Birthdays are often a time of special reflection - A time for remembering and celebrating. It is my dear friend Steve that taught me about this concept of reflection. For the last year plus, I have been doing a lot of that – mostly reflecting on loss and sadness and trying to see and accept the blessings along the way. But today I received the most wonderful gift – a reminder about the joy in reflection.
Steve was a reflection champ. With his fantastic memory and unparalleled thoughtfulness, Steve had a way of helping me (and everyone else too) see how many successes and hurdles I’ve passed along the way. It is in his loving and celebratory spirit that I submit this reflection of the many successes and hurdles of my 33rd year.
In classic Steve form he would say,
“Just a week ago – You submitted your first dissertation for review and started paperwork for becoming a resident.”
“Just two weeks ago – You started your job in Qatar (Living abroad has always been a dream of yours.)”
“Just a month ago – You completed your formal work in Iowa, said goodbye to dear friends and moved a carload of things to Indiana and bid your final farewell to your faithful furry fat one, Chlois, (who I am sure will be eating all the food in kitty heaven and making a mess in the litter box.)”
“Just two months ago – you sold your house, moved everything to storage in Iowa and accepted a job in Doha.”
“Just three months ago - you, like all unemployed folks, were nervous about your job search, gave up a job offer, then traveled to Qatar for your interview all the while packing and archiving family memorabilia (with the help of your mom of course!)”
“Just five months ago – You went to two conferences, went on several campus visits and sent your beloved grandmother to heaven (after all that is where all the best ones go.)”
Steve showed me that feeling tired and exhausted sometimes is there for good reason. Sometimes just reflecting on your joys and sorrows can be an important exercise to see where you’ve been and how far you’ve come. It has no doubt, been a very difficult and unexpected year. A year of many devastating trials and yet promises of joys to come in my future.
Now in Doha, I have a dissertation on the way (hopefully), a new job to stimulate and teach me and a world of new adventures around every corner. As year 34 begins, I am excited about what the future holds. It is true that new things are around the corner and I am so thankful to accept each blessing with a thankful and gracious heart.
These last weeks in Doha have been full of tremendous gifts. Two colleagues who were departing bestowed tremendous household items (everything from a down comforter and converter boxes to containers of sugar and tea) at my doorstep eliminating more than 80% of my shopping list (which was awesome since I haven’t received a paycheck and don’t have a license or a car yet!) Friends not only planned one birthday dinner, but invited me to three special birthday outings. Gifts were given, wishes were sent both virtually and in person. And most of all, I unexpectedly found my heart smiling again under the full moon (A special Steve tradition). With so many promises of goodness, it is hard to not be thankful for the gift of reflection. As it turns out, that was the best gift of all.
I loved reading about your birthday. I'm so glad you have wonderful memories (and new ones) on which to reflect. I think oftentimes reflection (or meditation or contemplation) is a personality trait...I definitely have it. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. :) But I am thankful for it and find it a gift very often as well!! Thanks for sharing your new life with us, I am very much enjoying reading all of it!!